Harmattan have recently published Christophe Chabbert’s novel “In Motlédier’s Hell”. Taking important roles in the story are Malcolm de Chazal, his ancestor Francois de Chazal de la Genesté, and the island of Mauritius. The 35 year old author, a teacher of literature in the South of France, wrote his thesis on the works of Malcolm to obtain his doctorate.

He tells us: “The plot of my novel arises from the works of Malcolm and in particular his book “Petrusmok”. I was also fascinated by the character of François de la Genesté, which is why I have featured him as an important person in my book. You will find truths in these pages as well as ideas made up to serve the needs of the story: The friendship of François and Hannibal de Laurac, their meeting at the Rosicrutian Lodge, The Holy-Treasure confided to François by Hannibal before his death, and then taken to the island of Mauritius, etc. What is most strange is that I invented a lot from very little information in my possession. Only recently, when I had the opportunity to read la Genesté’s correspondence and understand his character I realized how much I had felt of the real living man: his generosity, his honesty, his sense of duty, all this I gleaned through the small grains of knowledge I had of his life.

I hope with all my heart that you will enjoy this short novel, and that it will make better known the illustrious name of The de Chazal Family.

Message Added: December 23, 2006